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Paulette Jones Morant

Class of '74
Paulette Jones Morant

A native of Norfolk, Virginia Paulette Jones Morant arrived on Grounds in 1970 with measures of uncertainty and anticipation. Both sentiments eventually became manageable as The University of Virginia became a guiding force in her life.  During her undergraduate years she was a founding member of the Field Hockey and Women’s Basketball Clubs, which gained varsity status in 1973. Along with classmate Vivian Lerner, Paulette co-hosted a classical music program on WTJU-FM which ran for three and a half years.  Other activities included the Black Student Alliance and a year as a Madison House volunteer.  A Spanish major, Paulette traveled abroad for the first time in 1972 with the University’s program in Salamanca, Spain.  Continuing her studies of Spanish at The Ohio State University, she earned a Master of Arts in Spanish, which led to a teaching career of 32 years in Spanish and occasionally French at the secondary and college levels.  Paulette’s varied teaching career reflects the diverse legal career of her husband Blake D. Morant (College ’75, Law ’78) as various cities became their home away from home. Currently retired from teaching and from a second career as an alumni activities assistant at Wake Forest Law School and The George Washington Law School, Paulette pursues her avocation of photography, supports local food banks in Arlington and Norfolk, and dedicates time to staying connected with fellow University of Virginia alumni through service on the Greater Washington Regional College Foundation Board.