Gail Burrell Gerry

Gail Burrell Gerry, a native Michigander, currently splits her time between Arlington, Virginia and Melbourne Beach, Florida. After graduating from the College, she worked in publishing before starting a 20-year career in public education that included stints as a high school principal, literacy director, and state-department leader of professional learning. She then founded Research, Planning and Evaluation, Inc. As president, she provided organizational development and research services to numerous foundations, school districts and universities across the country. She also had long-term international projects in Jordan and Thailand.
Gail’s book, HERE TO STAY: THE STORY OF THE CLASS OF WOMEN WHO COEDUCATED THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA will be published by University of Virginia Press in early 2025. Gail was an English major at UVA and is finishing her first novel. Gail enjoys swimming, reading, grandparenting, and advocating for an assault weapons ban, children’s rights, social justice, and yes, world peace.