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Breaking Through Going First


Celebrating 50 Years of Co-Education at UVA and its Lasting Impact on Students Today

September 25-26, 2024

In the fall of 1970, 350 eighteen-year-old women and 100 third year transfers arrived on Grounds, destined to transform the culture of a 150 year, dominantly all male institution. There were few guidelines and no roadmaps for this small band of smart, gritty, and courageous young women. In 1971, 500 women were admitted. By 1973, admissions were gender neutral. Remarkably, by 1975, co-education was standard.

What happened in those few short years that made co-education the norm? What were the stories and the lessons learned? How is the experience of that tiny group of young women, who pulled off one of the most significant cultural transformations in UVA’s history, relevant to the issues that students face today?

This fall, a two-day university wide event will be held to capture, commemorate, and celebrate the challenges these pioneers faced. We welcome your attendance in celebrating this milestone, and participating in a dialogue on what this means for students in 2024.

Additional information and event registration will be available later this summer.

Day 1

Wednesday, September 25th from 3-5:30 p.m.
Rotunda, Dome Room

Theme: The Stories

  • Panel of Class of 1974 co-eds who will be interviewed by a student team with questions designed to highlight and share the stories of those early years.
  • Q&A and discussion to follow
  • Moderated by Christa Acampora, Dean of The College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Day 2

Thursday September 26th from 3-5:30 p.m.
Alumni Hall, Ballroom

Theme: The Lessons Learned

  • This panel will focus on the important lessons these women learned that served them for the rest of their lives and careers. How did these powerful experiences shape them and how can their experience inform our decisions and choices in today’s world?
  • The interviews will be followed by audience Q&A and a reception
  • Moderated by Lily West, President and CEO of the UVA Alumni Association 

INQUIRIES: Contact us at